
fitness course for overweight clients

This course seeks to prepare fitness professionals for the challenge of working with the complexity that the obese person presents. There are many co-morbidities of obesity that affect mobility such as joint problems, cardiovascular limitations and risks. The obese person’s centre of gravity may also be disturbed which in turn can affect their balance. In addition, due to the stigmatising nature of obesity, their confidence and trust in you, as a fitness professional, can be tested in ways which are not present when training a person who is less inwardly sensitive about their weight or appearance. Therefore, this course’s deeper aim is to help the fitness professional understand underlying aspects of obesity that might be obstructing the progress of their client.

The course is written in an easy-to-read style, and uses a broad range of evidence-based data to help build your understanding, so you can be sure that you are receiving the most advanced and up-to-date material to put this knowledge into practice.

Course Content

Scope of Practice
  • Review how diet, physical activity, stress, lifestyle, and the environment contribute to obesity
  • Assess how health conditions associated with obesity may affect the client
  • Consider the impact of cultural influences in obesity and exercise
  • Appreciate the role of movement in energy expenditure and health
  • Communicate sensitively and empathetically with an obese client in order to change behaviour and motivate them to achieve their goals
  • Apply knowledge of the causes and consequences of obesity to assess the history of the client and the reasons behind their weight gain
  • Agree and deliver a safe, effective and progressive physical activity programme for obese clients personalised to their needs and lifestyle
  • Provide appropriate dietary advice to support the client in their programme to begin weight loss and maintain that weight loss
Format and Assessment
Online learning over 1 month


Learners will undertake 10 formative assessments, integrated into the course, in the form of quizzes. The formative quizzes contain 5 multiple choice questions. The learner must achieve a score of 70% to pass the formative assessment.

Learners may attempt these quizzes as many times as they wish, and if they do not achieve the required pass mark, they are directed to take the quiz again (answers are provided at the time of answering).

A summative assessment, consisting of a multiple choice quiz containing 30 questions, will be undertaken by learners at the end of the course. This quiz may be attempted 2 times. There is no time limit on the summative assessment. The learner must achieve a score of 70% to pass the summative assessment. No answers to any questions will be provided at the time of the learner taking the quiz.

Certification, Venue and Course Fees
Certification: CCH course completion certificate will be awarded at the end of the course Date and venue: Study from home Eligibility & fees: 150£

For Registration Please Contact:

Rikita Gandhi Mobile: +91 7666703838 Email: rikita@esaindiaonline.com